
Taking that first step to change your education plan for your students can be a challenge. I remember when I first started to question if the choices that I had made for my children were the right ones. I was scared, and worried that I would make a wrong choice. I looked into many different options, but none of them felt right. That is until I found a program that worked for both me and my children. However, my heart said that it was that right path, but friends, family, and society were all telling me something different.
I wished back then that I would have had someone guide me through all of the options that Alberta has in regard to education. Someone to show me some studies, to encourage me, to let me know that it’s just one step and that I could change my mind at any time. I wanted someone to explain what learning could be, and how I could document it. To help me figure out what curriculum I needed, and how my kids would learn best.
I wanted someone to help me write a learning plans, lessons, and understand assessments. I wanted someone to encourage me and let me know that it would all be okay.
I can be that person for you. I have 4 kids who I have homeschooled from for 9 years. I am also a teacher and so I know how to navigate the different programs and how to individualize learning for each student. I know what it is like to be home and feel overwhelmed, I can help you figure out your plan.